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Did You Know?

Please allow plenty of time for Interlibrary Loan transactions.  Our ILL department is very busy, and so are the ILL departments of most other libraries!  It may take up to two weeks to obtain your requests.  Articles usually arrive faster than books.

Undergraduate students are limited to three requests per week. 

Be sure to read ALL the information and instructions on the forms.

Get Access to Items that DBU Does Not Own

If you need a book or article that is not part of DBU's collection, you can still get it!  One way is by using the TexShare card (see the "Other Libraries" tab).  Another way is to use our Interlibrary Loan program. 

You can find items that we don't own by using our own catalog!  Just change the drop-down menu from "Dallas Baptist University" to "Libraries Worldwide." 

  1. Under each title in the results list, there is a line for "Libraries that own this item."  If DBU does not own the item, the green print will say "WorldCat Libraries" instead of DBU.
  2. Click the title of the item, then click the link for "Worldwide libraries own this item." You may discover that a library close to you owns the item and you can get it there quicker than requesting it from DBU.  If you need an article, most libraries will let you make a copy for 10 cents/page.
  3. If you need DBU to locate the item for you, make sure you get all the important information about the item, including source information if it's an article.
  4. Complete the appropriate form:
  5. When we receive the item, we will mail it to you.  You may keep articles, but you must return books by the date specified on the paper label attached to the book. More information and instructions can be found here.