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Finding Music Items in the Library


Like most academic libraries, DBU uses the Library of Congress (LC) system.  Each item in the library has its own, unique address.  Music items begin with the letter M (isn't that handy?). 

M = Music scores (piano sonatas, symphonic scores, art songs, etc.)

ML = Music literature (music history, composer biographies, philosophy of music, etc.)

MT = Music theory/Music teaching (composition, instrumental technique, school music, etc.)

Locations in the DBU Library

Music-related items can be found in three locations in the DBU Library:

Circulating Collection: Scores and books in all categories that can be checked out.  2nd floor, to the right of the double doors.

Reference Collection: Print versions of Grove's and other encyclopedias; word-by-word translation books; comlete works of Bach and Mozart; and more.  1st floor, to the left and near the back.

Media Collection: Audio CDs and videorecordings in VHS and DVD formats.  1st floor, ask at the Circulation Desk. (Vinyl records located near The Nook, left front corner of the building.)

Online Catalog

The easiest way to find things in the library is to use the Online Catalog.

  1. Click the catalog link on the library home page.
  2. Type in keyword(s), title, or author. 
  3. Click Search.
  4. Use the "Format" toolbar to limit results to your desired format - books, scores, videos, articles, CDs, etc. 
  5. Pay attention -- if the item is an eBook or an article, then you already have access to it, right there on your computer. Click the "View Now" link, or click the title then look for the "View" link.
  6. Click the "Availability" link.  If the item is available, then you can check it out!

For more specific information and helpful hints for finding certain types of items in the library, use the drop-down list on the "Find Things in the Library" tab.