You can use DBU's online library catalog to find the books and other items you want. Here's how:
Use the text-entry box above, or click here.
Type in keyword(s), title, or author. 
Click Search.
Limit results to the format you want—books, ebooks, articles, videos, etc. - by checking the appropriate box under "Format."
Click the item's title to view more information about the item. Under "Find a copy in the library," you can find out if the item is available, or when it should be returned.

Checkout period: books—four weeks; videos—two weeks.
Off-campus and online students: click here to find out how to check out books from home!
NOTE: if you see a "View Now" link under the item's title, click it! The ebook or article will open in a new window. (You may be asked to log in with your DBU username and password.)